Author(s): Sing Lee, King Lam Ng, Kathleen Kwok, Fung Shuk Ching (ESAP)
Objective –
To examine the clinical profile of Chinese eating disorder patients at a tertiary psychiatric clinic in Hong Kong from 1987 to 2007.

Method –
Data on 195 consecutive patients were retrieved from a standardized intake interview by an eating disorder specialist. Patients seen between 1987-1997 (n = 67) and 1998-2007 (n = 128) and fat-phobic (n = 76) and nonfat-phobic (n = 39) anorexic patients were compared.

Results –
Patients were predominantly single (91.8%), female (99.0%), in their early-20s and suffered from anorexia (n = 115; 59.0%) or bulimia (n = 78; 40.0%) nervosa. The number of patients increased twofold across the two periods. Bulimia nervosa became more common while anorexia nervosa exhibited an increasingly fat-phobic pattern. Nonfat-phobic anorexic patients exhibited significantly lower premorbid body weight, less body dissatisfaction, less weight control behavior, and lower EAT-26 scores than fat-phobic anorexic patients.

Discussion –
The clinical profile of eating disorders in Hong Kong has increasingly conformed to that of Western countries.

* with an impact factor among those of the top 30% of journals listed in SSCI & SCIE respectively in Clinical Psychology & Psychiatry, and Nutrition & Dietetics